What is a Realignment Session?
The first part of a Realignment Session is the Blueprint Session. You can see the information on the Blueprint Session here. You can book them separately or both at the same time.
After having received the information about your Blueprint, we will look into what is holding you back from actually living, doing and being your Blueprint in what is called a Realignment Session. What is energetically holding you back? And how does this manifest in your life? Which patterns are repeating itself, drawing situations into your life that you no longer want to experience?
We will have a wide perspective on what your personal choices have created for you in your current life. In the end, everything we experience right now is a consequence of the choices we have made. This may feel unbelievable at first but truly gives us the power we need to change our life. After all, if our choices created our current situation then new choices will create new situations!
This is an incredibly powerful and reassuring way to make steps in your life and in this session you will get an energetic understanding of current- and past-life choices, how they affect you now and most importantly, what to do in daily life to break those patterns and change your life. This session is also paired with energetic clearing work.
What does a Realignment Session look like?
• Booking, where you plan the session with me through my booking page. After registering your session, you will receive an intake form through e-mail.
• Reading, I do a Soul Realignment® reading and write down my findings. I take about 2 hours to do this and you are not present during this time.
• Session, we make an appointment of about 1,5 hour where I share your energetic blocks and restrictions, how they may pop up in your life and we create suggestions on how to break the patterns and move forward in your life.
• Clearing & Homework, where we reset your energy flow and train your subconscious mind to help you make the new choices you want to make to transform your life.
• Afterwards, you will receive an audio-recording and a PDF-file from the Blueprint Session (if you did not have this session separately before) by e-mail.
Cost € 444,- (€ 333,- if you have done the Blueprint Session before)