Blueprint Session

What is a Blueprint Session?

We live in a time where we have a great amount of choices to make and an overwhelming amount of options to choose from. In this jungle of opportunity, how do we still know what truly fits for us? How can we feel into what feeds our soul, rather than our ego?

The Blueprint Session is about who you truly are, on soul-level. It tells you what energy is primarily present in your system, which gifts come with these and which pitfalls to look out for. Next to this, the Blueprint Session will reveal where your first incarnation happened and explains what that says about you as a human being in this lifetime.

It can give an amazing insight into what you are here for to express into life. We can give words to part of your uniqueness and by understanding yourself better, you can act upon truly being yourself in a more empowered way. It can serve as a beginning on your Akashic Record journey and exists as a session on it’s own, but is also always the first part of a full Realignment Session.

You may also receive information about the Blueprint of your direct family or children. This can give an amazing insight and understanding in how to lovingly approach them and truly reach out to them in a way fits their needs on soul-level.

What does a Blueprint Session look like?

• Booking, where you plan the session with me through my booking page. After registering your session, you will receive an intake form through e-mail.

• Reading, I do a Soul Realignment® reading and write down my findings. You will not be physically present during this time.

• Session, we take about one hour to talk you through your Blueprint, what this means for you and how to apply the knowledge in daily life.

• Afterwards, you will receive an audio-recording and a PDF-file from the Blueprint Session by e-mail.

Cost € 111,- (plus € 22,- for each family member you also want to know the Blueprint of)

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